EGM/AGM 2020
Notice to all Members of an Extraordinary General Meeting.
As many of you know we were unable to hold an Annual General Meeting earlier this year due to the Government restrictions around Covid19 with lockdowns and restrictions on gatherings of people.
We think it’s important however that all Members have the chance to review the Institute’s progress and receive an update on our club’s current position. So, to this end we held a ‘virtual’ Extraordinary General Meeting in the form of a Webinar on Zoom at 7:00pm on the 30th November 2020.
The Clubs 2019 Financial accounts that were prepared for the March 2020 AGM, have been signed off by our Accountants Folkes Worton and are available to view below on this AGM page.
The Webinar Agenda
1. Welcome and introduction by David Horton
2. Chairman’s Report on 2019 (Jerry Roper)
3. Summary of the 2019 and 2020 Annual Accounts (Mike Morris)
4. Chairman’s Report on Club’s progress so far in 2020, and plans going forward (Jerry Roper)
5. Update on Committee members (Jerry Roper)
[all remaining in place except Ed Davies, until full AGM can be arranged]
6. Plans for our next Annual General Meeting (most likely to be held in 2021) (Jerry Roper)
7. Members Questions and Answers (Members/Committee)
Question from Sally Johnson about whether date for acceptance of 2019 vouchers will be extended.
Answer: Yes in view of current lockdown the Committee are looking at extending accepting 2019 vouchers until 4 weeks after lockdown is lifted.
8. Meeting close.
Regards Jerry Roper Chairman SISC (A Recording of the EGM 2020 Meeting has been uploaded to our Facebook page, a link to this is at the top of the club web site Home page.)
SISC Chairman’s Report on Previous Year 2019, and also March – November 2020
2019 Top.
Last year in 2019 I am really pleased to report again that the membership numbers were maintained at a level similar to the previous year, and throughout the year and at the beginning of this year up to lockdown, we have again seen increased numbers of members coming in and using the Club, and enjoying the facilities we have to offer.
The increased number of Events being organised in the Club continued to be successful throughout 2019, examples of these include the free and easy evenings and afternoon tea events.Snooker celebrity events also continued into this year as we invited Barry Hawkins in January. These things seem a distant memory since lockdown this year, however we hope that we will be able to resume with these in the new year.
Last year, we also further improved the Club infrastructure and facilities, re-decorating the Mixed lounge and Dining room, and carrying out a major investment with overhaul and replenishment of the main Snooker hall roof, this should now serve the Club for a significant number of years to come.
The Committee continued to keep a close eye on Finances throughout, and hard copies of the accounts were published in March 2020 and put on the notice board outside of the secretary’s office, copies were also put on the club’s web site in preparation for this EGM meeting.
The Covid 19 pandemic and lockdown in March 2020, resulted in us having to postpone the AGM and close down the Club for a number of weeks, however the Club continued to be an important facility for many of our members during this time, with our extended car parking facility providing continued safe access to the town centre shops and facilities throughout the lock down. When the first lockdown ended, the club premises also provided a much-valued place for members to come out to, many for the first time since the start of the pandemic. We have also had 53 new members join so far in 2020 even with lockdown.
With regard to Covid-19, Committee and Staff have worked hard, carrying out extensive Risk Assessments, putting in place Notices and Guidance and Policing to enable Members and Staff to make use of the Club Facilities as safe as possible, and minimise Risks to all people who visit the premises.
Finance Income reduced during the lockdowns and reduced opening hours, however Members of the Committee and the Staff worked hard to ensure that the we claimed all possible Grants and Government Support throughout these periods, enabling us to retain our Staff while they were on Furlough, and Maximising our Finances, thus keeping the Club in a good position financially at this current time.
On the investment side we have greatly reduced spend this year, however we did take the opportunity while on the initial lock down to re-decorate the Bar, Snooker Room, Function Room and both Entrance Foyers, and we have received very positive feedback on the results of this from Members.
Overall though I believe we have some time to go before we will be able to return to anything like the amount of attendance and use of activities e.g. events and facilities hire that we used to have, so we anticipate reduced income for a considerable time to come, while still having a certain amount of outgoings to pay for in order to maintain the club.
As a consequence, we will be minimising further investment spend, and keeping a very close eye on income and expenditure to ensure that the Club’s Finances remain on a sound footing.
Looking forward, we are aiming to organise more events as soon as restrictions are lifted, and we sincerely hope that this will encourage current members and also new members to come in and enjoy using the Club.
As ever we are always open to ideas and feedback from members on ways to further improve things within the Club, please feel free to approach any member of the committee, or use the suggestion box in the Mixed Lounge, so let’s work together towards ensuring we all use the Club as successfully as possible again this coming year.
Lastly it’ is really important to recognise and give thanks for all of the work that everyone has done running the Club, this includes all of the Club’s Staff, and also our Committee members who again gave up their own time on a voluntary basis to help run this Club and make it something I think we can all value and are proud to be part of.
And finally, of course I would like thank on behalf of the Committee, all of you Club Members who have continued to support, enjoy and be part of this very special Social Club.
Thank you all.
SISC 2019–Finance Highlights
a) Total income up by £19,181 = 8.8%
b) Surplus for year £1,260 compared with deficit of £11,756 in 2019
c) A significant sum spent on roof repairs, £47,000 part funded by £35,000 repair and maintenance fund
d) Net Assets £306,992 compared to £340,732 in 2019
e) Net Current Assets £88,517 compared with £118,062 in 2018 again reflecting expenditure on roof repairs.
f) £10,000 still remaining in Maintenance and repair fund + £4,000 in entertainment fun
SISC 2020–Finance Highlights Top.
a) Significant Government Support received this year:
i) £25,000 one off grant for the initial lockdown
ii) Furlough support ranging from 60% – 80% of Staff’s wages until 30th October.
iii) 100% Rates Relief claimed from Dudley Council
b) Good support and attendance from Members when the club re-opened in July.
i) Catering food sales reached 74% of 2019 level
ii) Bar sales reached 76% of 2019 level
iii) Snooker income reached 94% of 2019 level
c) Another £10,000 of investment made in the club’s fabric and infrastructure including new chairs and floor for the Dining room, and more decorating improvements on the ground floor.
d) Cash position overall is still healthy
e) Current Asset at November 16th 2020 stood at £97,029 compared to £88,517 at start of the year.
f) Ongoing, we will be continuing to claim Government Furlough and Grant relief while we are in the current Tier 3 measures that have been set for Dudley Area.
Stourbridge Institute Social Club
Life Members:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Top.
We submit herewith the report for the year 31st December 2019 combined with the audited statement of the accounts. There has been an increase (£4671) in income across the bar and catering departments 2019 compared to 2018. With the help of the coffee sales, the catering department mad a gross profit of £3,909and the bar, a modest increase in gross profit of £762. There has been an increase of £13,999 in subscription and the car park receipts compared to 2018. Subscription up by £4671 and the car park receipts up by £9307. Room hire has shown a modest increase over 018 with income rising by £621. This is in the main to the increasing use of the rooms for various activities provided by group members such as U3A, Salsa, Chi Baton Yoga, Stourbridge Speakers, clog dancers and Spanish lessons. Club members are free to participation Amy of the activities should they wish to do so. Staff salaries increased in 2019 by £13,152 which is down to the 2018 increase of 38p per hour in the national minimum wage which came into effect on the 1st April. Of the four main activities, Snooker, is the best results with net surplus of £20,642. The bridge section income shows a sharp decrease from the £3,350 net surplus received in 2018to a net surplus of £2502 in 2019. Badminton showed a net surplus of £1,266 and the table tennis net surplus standing at £1,845. The shop units continue to provide a steady income into the club but bank interest remains low due to the current prevailing low rates for savers. The Committee authorised expenditure of £57,221 for repairs and renewals in 2019. The main costs incurred were the replacement of the main roof above the snooker room (£45,000)and replacing the floors in the kitchen and restaurant areas. The lounge and restaurant also underwent a facelift to make both rooms more appealing to the members. To pay for the increased repairs and renewals, the Committee took £35,000 from the maintenance fund reducing it to only £10,000. This needs to be recuperated to fund future repair and renewals. This factor along with the continuing increasing costs to run the club on a daily basis necessitated the committee to come to the decision to moderately increase subscriptions in 2020 to help pay for these unavoidable costs and to ensure the club continues to thrive. To encourage more use of the club, the Committee also decided to increase the amount of vouchers required to be purchased by members when availing themselves to use of the car park facility at the club.
2019 has been a difficult year for the club, not helped by the uncertainty over Brexit and continual increases in costs of good and services.
Due to financial astuteness by the Committee, the year-end has only shown a small surplus of £1,260.
Membership Top.
The club membership showed a small increase (9) in membership during 2019 with the year closing with 780 members compared to 771 members in 2018. The membership includes 12 (13) life, 22 (21) family, 3 (1) intermediate, 3 (1) junior, 28 (26) members from the Stourbridge Lions group and other affiliate groups. (Figures in brackets denote 2018 numbers).
Activity–Reports. Top.
The use of the function room for people using the mobile skittle alley is available for hire. This makes for a great, fun evening and is a unique way to celebrate a family function with a difference. The Lions club continues to hold charity fund raising events including their quiz evenings, casino nights and battle drives. A number of club social events with entertainment and buffet were held during the year including the increasingly popular lounge nights which are free to members to attend and are put on in the relaxed atmosphere of the lounge. The function was used by many members for their own family and social events including family celebration, office parties, tribute band evenings and Christmas group parties.
Bingo is held in the main lounge area every Tuesday evening at 8 pm for 8:30 pm start, always a relaxed and enjoyable social evening and get together. Open to all members.
Table tennis and darts
Facilities and equipment available for members use. Since the table tennis facility moved to its own room, its use has increased and this section is growing from strength to strength, they now have two teams entered in the local league. They would however still like to welcome additional members to join them.
Badminton Club Section Report 2019 – 2020.
This year the Badminton section has entered three teams into local leagues and are doing well again so far this season.
Cradley Heath League
Men 1st Team currently 2nd place in division 1 this season.
Combi 1st Team currently 2nd place in division 1 this season.
Worcester League.
Mens Team currently 3rd place in division 1 this season.
Mixed Team currently 2nd place in division 2.
Birmingham League
Mixed Team currently top place in division 2.
Some members have been selected to play this year for the Worcestershire County Masters teams, Sally Bangay and over 45’s and Jeremy Roper, Reggie Baker and Linda Chilton over 60’s and Jan Hewett over 65’s. Steve cuts, Sally Bangay, Jerry Roper, Reggie Baker, Jan Hewett, were also selected to play for Worcestershire in the Inter-County Team Challenge weekend event in January. Jerry and Reggie were part of the over 60’s team which won that Division one in the event. Our junior coaching club is still running on Tuesday evenings with Reggie Baker from 5:00pm until 7:00pm, signs and contact numbers are on the noticeboards.
Bridge Section Report 2019.
The Bridge Club meets on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 7:15 pm and on Monday afternoon at 1 pm. The Bridge section is working hard to promote bridge in the local area. Bridge lessons continue on Tuesday afternoons headed by Roy Withers. Students in this group have been learning to play bridge for over 12 months and are advancing well.
Georgina Lineker and I started lessons for absolute beginners in January and current we have 11 students and a further 4 will be joining us at the end of January/beginning of February.
We have two social events in 2019 which were well supported and we are planning another two events in 2020 which we hope will be as successful as those before.
If you have any interest in playing bridge please contact us – you would be very welcome.
Chess – no report done for 2019.
Snooker section report 2019
4 teams entered the Stourbridge and district Snooker league for the 2018/2019 season, 4 teams representing the club and the 4th team, the West Midlands police snooker team who play for the club and whose members are also members of our club.
In the 2018/2019 season the clubs ‘A’ team, having won promotion the previous season held their own in the Premier League finishing in 9th place. The teams most consistent players were Ashley Aston with 14 wins and Paul Garbitt with 12 wins. Ashley also had the teams’ highest breaks of 77 and 69. The ‘A’ team’s Alan Cope also won the leagues over 45’s individual competition.
The clubs ‘C’ team finished bottom in the 2nd Division and the clubs ‘D’ team finished in 5th place . Paul Robinson was the D team’s most consistent player with 15 wins.
Member Harry Jones lost in the final the leagues over 65’s competition.
The West Midlands police snooker team had a disappointing season finishing in 10th place in the league. The seasons most consistent player was Kevin Franklin with 15 wins and Gavin Sloan with 12 wins. The teams highest break went to Mark Sheehan who compiled a break of 65. Kevin Franklin had a break of 62.
The Arthur Kimberley handicap knockout was won for the second year in succession by Paul Garbett who beat Graham Lewis in the final by two frames to nil. Paul had a 73 break in the first frame and breaks of 45 and 39 in the second frame.
The summer league was won by Paul Bate.
The snooker section held another successful exhibition match in January 2019 year with the current world champion, Mark Williams entertaining another sell out audience of club members. During the exhibition, Mark compiled a 129 break missing the blue from the spot when the maximum was on.
Election–of–Council. Top.
In accordance with rule 6(a) the following members retire: Ruth Gwynn Thomas, Andrea Haynes, Alison Bowdler, Jerry Roper, Trevor Billington and Edward Davies. Alison Bowdler, Jerry Roper, Trevor Billington and Edward Davies offer themselves up for re-election.
C. W. Southwark – Secretary
J. Roper – Chairman