The SISC AGM minutes for 2022.

The draft minutes of the SISC AGM 2022 have been posted below so that members can read them prior to arriving at the
AGM on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.

The minutes then do not need to be read out on the evening.
Thank you.

The Club Chairman’s Report for 2022.

The Club Chairman’s Report for the AGM year,
ending 31st December 2022 is also here for members to read before the AGM meeting on Wednesday 22nd March 2023
Thank you.

Summary Of Accounts to 31st December 2022.

The summary of accounts to 31st December 2022 is also here for members to peruse before the AGM meeting on
Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Thank you.

Club Chairmans Report for 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen.

This is the Club Chairman’s report for the year ended 31st December 2022 combined with the audited statement of accounts, copies of which are available for the meeting.

This year the club Committee’s financial planning has again had to take account the impact of significantly increased overheads for gas and electricity, as well as increases in the minimum wage and in national insurance contributions, and costs of supplies.

Most of these things are outside of our control, but the Committee over the past twelve months ensured that we have claimed back all possible Government grant support money that has been available over the year, and came to a total of £4000, the club has also benefitted from Government reduced rates and reduced VAT over the year.

The Committee have also carried out detailed reviews of our building’s energy infrastructure, identifying things we could do to minimise these heating and lighting costs. 

As part of this review, we made the decision to disconnect the old, very inefficient gas central heating system that heated the older part of our building, this has resulted saving what have been an extra cost to the club of over £3000 per month this winter. 

Even with doing this however due to current price increases, our gas and electric prices will still be lot higher in 2023 and the club will see costs for heating go up from £35,000 to £85,000 per annum. This is why we have had to increase membership fees for the coming year. 

The downside of disconnecting the one old central heating system is that it has made some parts of the building colder this winter, this is only due to other parts of our plan being delayed by 4 months. We had applied for a grant via Dudley Council to provide insulation and updated heating systems as part of this project. 

I am pleased to report that we have now had this grant approved, and the club now has £5000 more to spend on getting the work completed, and these parts of the building will be warmer next year.

Most encouragingly, the club has again seen a very positive response in terms of membership for 2023 – and to date we have very similar numbers of membership renewals for the club, so I am looking forward to our numbers being sustained or even increasing over the coming year.

Looking at the past few months, and also forward to the current year 2023, we are seeing bookings, and the use of our facilities and club sections continuing to increase, and as I hope you have all seen, more activities are available, and we are organising more events throughout the year for members to enjoy.

I would like to mention a few names, and give a few thank you’s to some of those people, and the people around them who have helped support us providing some of these additional events.

Firstly, Carl Southwick and Wayne Grew for the Junior Snooker Academy, Linda Wright and experienced members of the bridge club for starting the beginners’ classes which are expanding in the bridge club this year, Dave Hunt and those around him who have helped organise our increased number of entertainment evenings.

It is really good seeing members coming in and using the club to socialise more and more this year especially after the effects that the Covid Pandemic seems to have had, on so many people with regard to them going out.

What we have tried to develop within the club, is the provision of a safe and friendly environment for all members to come in and enjoy, I would like to thank all of you that have renewed your memberships, and who come in and use the club, for your continued support in helping us do this.

Lastly, I think it is really important to continue to recognise the hard work carried out by all of the club’s staff, and also our Committee members, who to give up their own time on a voluntary basis to help run and support this club.

I would like to say thank you to all of you, for all of the work that you have done over the past year.


Jerry Roper. SISC Chairman




Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on
Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 7.30 pm.

  1. Welcome

Rod Owen, Vice President, opened the Meeting by the ringing of the bell. It was stated that this was the 189th year of the Club. A one minute silence was held to remember those who had passed away during the year, with a special mention of Anita Davies, a Life Member, who had been a Member of the Club since 1986. 

2.  Apologies

No Apologies 

3.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The previous meeting was held on 23rd March 2022, the Minutes were not read out to the meeting as they had been on the noticeboard for Members to read. There was no disagreement to this, so it was taken as being correct and Rod Owen, Vice President duly signed them.

4.  Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

5.  Election of President

David Horton had resigned as President.
Peter Hodnett, a willing volunteer, was proposed by Jerry Roper
Seconded by Alison Bowdler
Peter introduced himself saying he had been a Member since 1970 and he recognises a lot of faces in the Club but not names. He had been a BT Engineer and is also the Director of HR-5 Hospital Board. He commented that the Club was a safe place to come for the Ladies and it never fails as a social area – a bit of a Haven.With a show of hands his election was truly carried.

Rod Owen then gave over the Chair to Peter Hodnett.

6.  Auditor’s Report of Accounts year ended 31 December 2020

Matthew Morris of Folkes Worton presented the following report:-

There was a small deficit of £11,000, which is not unreasonable due to the economic climate. 
Bar and Catering sales were back up to pre-Covid levels.

Prices have increased to keep the margins.

Expenses are consistent with the significant unprecedented energy costs which could not have been predicted. This was a 4 fold increase.
Snooker, events and activities have also increased to pre-Covid levels.
Wages have gone down, due to the Manager retiring, but there is to be a further wage increase in April this year, which will increase the wages bill.
Club is trying to minimise expense increases.
Balance Sheet at £135,000 which will help the Club through the next few years.
There were a few questions from the floor concerning the financial report:-

Bar Sales of £38,000 was queried by John Tyler.
Mike Morris, the Treasurer explained that figure was the cost of buying the goods and the top section gives a snapshot and the gross profit is traditional and on the 2nd page it is the Nett Margin. Could this be adjusted next year- to make it more understandable. Matthew said that this could be done.

Subs were queried – £45,000 in 2022 and £49,000 in 2021 a loss of £4,000 Car Park gain of £20,000.
Mike Morris stated that for the Subs in 2021 the vouchers were not used. 
£17,000 in 2021 and in 2022 minus the VAT, this amount was added into next year’s figures which made it smaller. In 2022 only £25 worth of vouchers were given and wasn’t spent, this was peculiar.
Snooker net surplus of £25,000, net takings from Snooker which is what is left after expenses have been taken out. 
Sports are exempt VAT. 
Vat is 10% on Subs and everything else is 20%. These VAT figures have to be shown separately.
Professional Fees – These are professional people who support us throughout the year. Such as the Accountants, Quickbooks and the Till systems.

What is in the Bank?
Carl Southwick, the Secretary, explained that we have 4 bonds, £30,000 each which mature once a year at 3 monthly intervals. So at 3 monthly intervals a bond becomes available to use if the Club requires the Funds, if not the money is reinvested for another year.
Carl also stated that if anyone has any queries concerning these, if they come to the Office he will gladly show the figures and explain the breakdowns.

All Members were happy with the explanations of their queries.

7.  Adoption of Report Accounts for 31 December 2022 

The accounts were adopted by a show of hands. No one was against.

8.  Vote of thanks to Retiring Officers and Committee 

Mike Morris was up for Re-election.
Brian Winnington was retiring.
Peter Hodnett asked for a show of hands for the re-election of Mike Morris.

A vote of thanks was given by Mike Morris and Brian Winnington.

9.  Response and Report by Chairman of the Committee

The Chairman’s Report has been on the Noticeboard for Members to read and it covered the following points:-

The Club’s financial planning has had to take into account the huge increase in Gas and Electricity, also the minimum wage increase along with national insurance and the cost of supplies. The Committee have availed themselves of any government grant that we qualify for. A review of the building energy usage resulted in the decommissioning of the old gas central heating boiler, in the old part of the building, which would have been an extra cost of £3,000 per month this winter. However gas and electricity is still high, going from £35,000 to £85,000 which is why the Membership Fees had to be increased.

Due to the boiler being decommissioned some parts of the building have been colder, this is due to our plans being delayed and a grant had been applied for to Dudley Council, which has now been granted. 

Asked of the number of members

2022 –  574

71 done in 2022

27 new members already this year

Possibly 6 per month

We are currently 402 Car Park Members and 182 door only – about the same place as last year

Bookings have increased for 2023 with more activities being available and more organised events throughout the year.

With thanks to Carl Southwick and Wayne Grew for organising the Junior Snooker Academy, Linda Wright and Bridge Members for the Beginners Classes and David Hunt for the Entertainment evenings.

Thanks also given to the Staff and Committee Members for their continued work for the Club, and the Members for renewing their membership and supporting the Club by using the facilities.

No questions for the Chairman.

10.  Election of Vice Presidents

Eric Buchan, Alison Bowdler and Linda Wright were proposed.

A show of hands was required. Agreed.

11.  Life Members


12.  Election of the Treasurer

Mike Morris was proposed by Alison Bowdler

Seconded by Eric Buchan

This was agreed with a show of hands.        

13.  Election of Auditors

Folkes-Worton were nominated by Alison Bowdler.

Seconded by Steve Rice

With a show of hands all agreed.

14.  Election of Committee Members

Brian Winnington was retiring.

Colin Elcock was Proposed by Chris Taylor  

Seconded by Margaret Cumpson

Colin, a new Member, had lived in Stourbridge for 40 years, retired from Dudley Council in 2011 and retired from his own business in the wine trade. In 2012 back to Dudley Council and had also been County Councillor. He has been a Member of the Club for 4 years and would like to help on the Committee.  He had also been Chairman of the Gardeners Guild for many years.

David Hunt was Proposed by Debbie Owen

Seconded by Steve Rice

David has been a Member for 10 years and retired 20 years ago for medical reasons and finds the socialising here is good.

As a musician himself he knows a lot of people in the music business and did entertaining at the British Legion. 

There is to be a charity event on Black Country Day in July which will be also advertised on the Radio.

Mike Morris was Proposed by Alison Bowdler    

Seconded by Debbie Owen

With a show of hands all were elected.

15.  Correspondence

No Correspondence.

Ammendment to Rule 7(d) Rules for the President.
This change has been on the noticeboard for a period of time and there had been no objections received or at this meeting. It was asked to be read out.

This was accepted with a show of hands. Agreed.

16.  New Trustees

Mike Morris and Steve Rice were proposed.

There were no objections, so they were accepted with a show of hands.

17.  Any Other Business


It was mentioned that the barriers were up in the evenings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This is historically a problem of which the Committee are aware.

When there are matches on, the barrier goes up 15 mins before the match and 15 mins after the match commences. It is unfair for those Members who do pay for the Car Park. It is a fine balance to be fair to Club Members and to encourage other people to come to the Club. 

Spanish people are asked to come at 6.20pm and they don’t understand why this is not allowed. The Spanish people, if not Members, should be parking somewhere else or in Tesco, not at the Club.       

Peter Hodnett said that it will be taken as an action to be sorted.

Casual visitors should be signed in, some are coming into the Club on a regular basis. It is difficult to know if casual visitors are Members.

Alison mentioned to present the Members Card. Till system can do this when presenting the new plastic Membership card.
Whoever brings in the casual visitor should be responsible for signing in the visitor. How to implement this. May not do this.

Only 1 plastic Membership card per Member at the moment, no card for the Nominated.

Problem cannot be solved this evening, not easy to resolve. This needs to go forward with the Committee in the future to overcome this. The proposals are minuted and will be brought up at the next Committee 

Meeting and taken forward. 

Linda Wright – AGM minutes can be e-mailed to Members, they are on the website. New from 2023 minutes.

Eric’s wife said that she would be prepared to do this but the e-mails need to be updated and our equipment needs to be up to it.

Peter said that there is a need to look at another system.

Kinver published on a secured site accounts/AGM minutes, where Members need to log in. To be taken forward and actioned.

Linda said that the monthly Committee meetings could be produced with sensitive information removed ie wages and peoples details. An abridged version sent out via e-mail again. 

Eric suggested for it to be on the website and people can click on it. However this had been previously tried.
E-mail addresses need to be managed ie changed, deleted if people have left.

Linda said that e-mails were a good way to do this and Peter stated that this goes forward to action at other meetings. From this meeting it will go forward to be left in the hands of the committee – an action point

Non Members and Members prices have not been actioned here yet but moving forward to doing this.

17.  Vote of thanks to the President 

Jerry Roper proposed a vote of thanks to the President and all agreed.

18.  Closure of the Meeting

       Meeting closed at 8.50 pm

       ……………………………………                       ………………………………

       Chairman                                                          Date


Summary Of Accounts To 31st December 2022