AGM 2021

You have arrived at the page which will show the information spoken about at the recent AGM held on the 13th October 2021.

The various sheets are being prepared and will appear here in the near future.   

Club Report for the year ended 31st December 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We submit herewith the report for the year ended 31st December 2021 combined with the audited statement of accounts.

It is just two years since the first lockdown since when so much has changed for all of us. 
Having got through 2020 in a relatively safe state financially, the Club was closed again for the first 5 months of 2021 after which we managed to remain open for the rest of the year.

We used the close down period to do as much as we could to improve the comfort and safety of the club for our members. The newly installed ventilation system ensures that we meet all existing health and safety requirements and our new kitchen layout was planned professionally and commissioned for installation earlier this year. 

The club invested in the much-needed redecoration of the main snooker room and redecoration of the Function room and lobby area near the Secretaries office.

The club is extremely grateful Key members of Committee and Staff, who were vital in ensuring that the club steered its way through these troubled waters.  

As you are aware, our financial planning has had to take account the impact of increased overheads for gas and electricity as well as increases in the minimum wage and in national insurance contributions. All of which, alongside inflation have meant an increase in club membership fees for 2022. Most of these are outside of our control but we are carrying out a review of the buildings energy infrastructure to see how best to reduce our fuel dependency. 

Looking forward to the current year 2022, our facilities and club sections are continuing to open up, and we have continued carrying out further investments in the club.

Most encouragingly we have seen a very positive response in terms of membership renewals – and to date we have 600 returning members. We can’t thank you all enough for your continued support

You will have seen we have purchased a new EPOS till system, this will enable replace the existing outdated tills, save the £500 per year cost of vouchers, and enable us to provide additional facilities, e.g. discounts and incentives to members when they use the club, we have also upgraded the kitchen ventilation system to make it compliant with new regulations.

As ever we are always open to ideas and feedback from members, on ways to further improve things within the Club, please feel free to approach any member of the committee, or use the suggestion box in the Mixed Lounge, and let’s work together towards the Club’ continued success.

Lastly it’ is really important to continue to recognise and give thanks for all of the work that everyone in the club has done over the past year, this includes all of the Club’s Staff, and also our committeemembers who continue to give up their own time on a voluntary basis to help run this Club.


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 7.30 pm.

1.  Welcome

D Horton, President, opened the meeting by the ringing of the bell. A one minute silence was held to remember those who had passed away during the year.

Apologies from Rod Owen, Eric Buchan and Roger McManus.

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The previous meeting was held on 13th October 2021 was read out to the meeting and was approved as being correct. The President then duly signed them off.

3.  Matters arising.

There were no matters arising.

4.  Auditor’s Report of Accounts year ended 31st December 2020

Neil Smith of Folkes-Worton presented the following report:-

He informed the meeting that it had been a difficult 2 years for the club due to the pandemic and the restriction’s placed on businesses such as the clubs. However he did state that bar and catering sales were up as were the margins in these categories. There was no shop rents received during the period but subscriptions had gone back up. He said that snooker income was also back on the rise. He stated that the Government grants had helped with the overall income of the club with income coming in at £2,000 more than in 2020. He stated that expenditure on repairs was at £23,000 of which £12,300 was on roof repairs. Overall the club made a surplus of £6,000 but £5,000 of that was put back into the maintenance fund. The club also spent £15,500 on a new ventilation system for the lounge and the main snooker room, this money has been capitalised. He stated that the reserve fund is slightly down but overall he was pleased with what the club had achieved during this difficult period. He also said that the club had increased the building insurance sum this year.

5.  Adoption of Report Accounts for 31st December 2021

Alison Bowdler proposed the acceptance of the Accounts.
Linda Wright seconded.
No one was against.

6.  Vote of thanks to Retiring Officers and Committee

Viv Casey and Ken Worton led a vote of thanks for the Retiring Officers.

7.  Response and Report by Chairman of the Committee

The Chairman’s Report has been on the Notice Board for Members to read and it covered the following points:
It is just two years since the first lockdown since when so much has changed for all of us. Having got through 2020 in a relatively safe state financially, the club was closed again for the first 5 months of 2021 after which we managed to remain open for the rest of the year.
We used the close down period to do as much as we could to improve the comfort and safety of the club for our members. The newly installed ventilation system ensures that we meet all existing health and safety requirements and our new kitchen layout was planned professionally and commissioned for installation earlier this year. 
The club invested in the much-needed redecoration of the main snooker room and redecoration of the function room and lobby area near the Secretaries office. 
The club is extremely grateful key members of Committee and Staff, who were vital in ensuring that the club steered its way through these troubled waters.
As you are aware, our financial planning has had to take account the impact of increased overheads for gas and electricity as well as increases in the minimum wage and in national insurance contributions. All of which, alongside inflation have meant an increase in club membership fees for 2022. Most of these are outside of our control but we are carrying out a review of the buildings energy infrastructure to see how best to reduce our fuel dependency.
Looking forward to the current year 2022, our facilities and club sections are continuing to open up, and we have continued carrying out further investments in the club.
Most encouragingly we have seen a very positive response in terms of membership renewals – and to date we have 600 returning members. We can’t thank you all enough for your continued support.
You will have seen we have purchased a new EPOS till system, this will enable replace the existing outdated tills, save the £500 per year cost of vouchers, and enable us to provide additional facilities, e.g. discounts and incentives to members when they use the club, we have also upgraded the kitchen ventilation system to make it compliant with new regulations.
As ever we are always open to ideas and feedback from members, on ways to further improve things within the club, please feel free to approach any member of the Committee, or use the suggestion box in the Mixed Lounge, and let’s work together towards the club’ continued success.
Lastly it is really important to continue to recognise and give thanks for all of the work that everyone in the club has done over the past year, this includes all of the club’s Staff, and also our Committee members who continue to give up their own time on a voluntary basis to help run this club.
David Horton then proposed a thank you for the Committee for the work they did during what was a difficult year for all, this was seconded by Linda Wright.

8.  Election of President

David Horton had been proposed by Rod Owen and seconded by Anita Davies.
With a show of hands this was agreed.

9.  Election of Vice Presidents

Rod Owen was the only one left. More needed.
Duly elected.

10.  Life Members


11.  Election of the Treasurer

Mike Morris was proposed by Deb Owen.
Seconded by Rod Owen.
This was agreed with a show of hands.

12.  Election of Auditors

Folkes-Worton were nominated by Anita Davies.
Seconded by Deb Owen.
All agreed.

13.  Election of Committee Members

3 retiring – Rod Owen, Brian Winnington and Trevor Billington.
3 standing for re-election:-
Rod Owen nominated by Mike Morris seconded by Deb Owen.
Brian Winnington nominated by Mike Morris & seconded by Deb Owen.
Steve Rice nominated by Deb Owen seconded by Rod Owen.

Steve Rice, as a new member to the Committee, introduced himself at the AGM stating that he had recently retired as a Chartered Accountant and had been a member of the club for 20 years.  

All were elected en-bloc from the floor.

14.  Correspondence.

No correspondence.
15.  Any Other Business.

Member John Tyler asked why, when there were significant investments and improvements planned, that all the 600 or so members couldn’t have their say and make a collective decision.

It was pointed out that under the rules of the club, members elect a Committee – and the Committee then make decisions on their behalf. In the following discussion it was requested that more notice should be given to members of Committee discussions on such topics – and these should be clearly displayed throughout the club.

It was pointed out that in the absence of summary Committee minutes being available the full versions of minutes could be obtained from the club office 

It was asked whether it would be possible to circulate the minutes to members by email. The Chairman pointed out that there was still work to be done to input all of the members email addresses onto the club database. If any of the members wished to give their time to helping us to do this task, they would be welcome.

Ron Peplow asked whether the entertainments fund was still available for use for upcoming events. The Treasurer responded to confirm that the fund was still there and shown on our balance sheet. However if an event managed to cover its costs through ticket sales, in those cases, we would not need to use it.

Ron Peplow also asked whether any such events were planned as there didn’t seem to have been much entertainment activity of late. The Chairman responded that a lot of planning had been done by Mr Winnington in this regard and we have booked our New Year’s Eve party and other spring and summer events were in the planning process. 

John Tyler asked what the Committee were doing to reduce the heating costs. It was noticeable that it was often too hot in some areas of the club. The Chairman said we were very much aware of the problem and that currently a heating specification review was being carried out by professional heating engineers. When this was received the Committee would be giving it their urgent attention. We would also be looking at cost effective ways of reducing our lighting bills. 

It was asked if we knew how many members had passed away over the last two Covid years. The Secretary replied that it wasn’t a number which we had – principally because often we weren’t told that a member had passed away – in such cases all we knew was that their membership had not been renewed. 

Trevor Pardoe and several members commented on the lack of car park spaces some evenings when there were private social events – and where the car park barriers had been left in a raised position allowing non club member’s access. This was noted and the Chairman said that every effort would be made to emphasise to staff that the barriers should remain down unless there was a special event planned and notified in advance. In answer to a follow up question from Paul Cole on car park stickers it was confirmed that 2 stickers were issued to each car park member but only one car park access fob was given. 

Linda Wright called for a vote of thanks to Hannah and Anita for their work for the children’s Christmas party.
The Secretary pointed out that the main effort in organising the event had actually been carried out by Deb Owen. Members then expressed their thanks to Deb for all her hard work.

16.  Vote of thanks to the President

Jerry Roper proposed a vote of thanks to the President and all agreed.

17.  Closure of the Meeting.

Meeting closed at 8 15 pm.

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Chairman                                                                     Date

Summary Of Accounts 2021