AGM 2023



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 7. 30 pm.

1.  Welcome
Peter Hodnett, President, opened the Meeting by the ringing of the bell. It was stated that this was the 190th year of the Club. A one-minute silence was held to remember those who had passed away during the year.  
      Apologies  –  
      Freda Wilkins (assistant Secretary) Eric Horwill & Mike Morris

2.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The previous meeting was held on 22nd March 2023, the Minutes were read out to the meeting by the Secretary. There was no disagreement to this, so it was taken as being correct by the president who duly signed them.

3.  Matters arising  
There were no matters arising

4.  Auditor’s Report of Accounts year ended 31 December 2023
Richard Homer of Folkes Worton presented the following report:-
There was a small deficit of £6,686 for the year but overall the balance sheet for the club is quite healthy, which under the current economic climate gives testament to the work undertaken during the year by the committee and staff. 
Both bar and catering have seen increases in gross profit from 2022. 
Other income have also seen increases with the standout figures being room hire with a £4,00o increase to £17,821, Snooker with a £3,000 increase and subscriptions with a £25,000 increase. Overall income increased by £51,000 on 2022. 
Expenses however, continue to rise, up £33,000 on 2022, this in the main was due to increases in light and heating which was up £14,000 and salaries which was up by £24,000. The committee managed to offset some of these by reducing the Repairs and renewals by £10,000. 
There is a bad debt provision in the books, this relates to the shop rent which is currently under probate due to the death of the lessee of one of the shops. 
There was a question from the floor asking why the gaming machine was showing a small loss of £149 and what is it for. The Secretary explained that the club has a small Lotto machine in the lounge and that there is a float for the machine which is to pay for the innings.  The tickets cost money to purchase and once the float has been repaid via sales then income comes into the club. It just happened that the purchase of new tickets coincided with the end of year.

5.  Adoption of Report Accounts for 31 December 2023 
The accounts were adopted by a show of yellow cards. No one was against and they were duly adopted and signed off by the president.

6.  Vote of thanks to Retiring Officers and Committee 
Rod Owen and Jenny Roper who was retiring and Dave Hunt and Deb Owen who were retiring but up for Re-election.
A vote of thanks was given to the retiring officers.

7.  Response and Report by Chairman of the Committee
The Chairman’s Report has been on the Noticeboard for Members to read and it covered the following points: –
The Club’s financial planning has had to take into account the significant increases in Gas and Electricity as well as the increase in the minimum wage increase along with national insurance and the cost of supplies. The Committee have carried out significant actions over the last 12 months to minimise the impact of these increases, including insulating the mixed lounge, double glazing the older parts of the club, as well as doing multiple repairs themselves to help reduce costs. The committee did manage to acquire a £5,000 grant to help pay for the work undertaken. 
Membership was up from 2022 and looking ahead the committee were putting on more entertainment for the members. The Sections are also continuing to grow.   
The club restaurant has been re-opened with very positive feedback to date. 
He then went on to thank a few people who have helped support the club over the past 12 months, Carl Southwick and Wayne Grew for the junior snooker academy, Lind Wright for her work increasing the Bridge section and Dave Hunt, his wife Pat and Pauline for the work they have done organising the entertainment for the club.  He then thanked all the committee for their hard work during the year, the staff and most importantly the members who continue to support the club. 
No questions for the Chairman.

8.  Election of President
Jerry then thanked Peter for his first year as President and Peter said he was happy to continue in the role if re-elected. 
He was then formally Proposed by Jerry Roper and Seconded by Alison Bowdler
This was approved by a show of hands by all present. 
Peter Thanked everyone, he said that he has been president for one year now and prior to his initial election he was oblivious to the hard work undertaken by the committee in ensuring the viability of the club. He then thanked the committee for their enduring hard work.

9.  Election of Vice Presidents
10.  Life Members

11.  Election of the Treasurer
Steve Rice was proposed by Jerry Roper
Seconded by Alison Bowdler
This was agreed with a show of hands.  
The meeting was informed that Mike Morris was seriously ill and had to step down from his role as treasurer, Steve had been doing the role since November  
Member Trevor Pardoe asked if all committee members could sit at the front so they can be easily identified. They did not do this but did stand up to show themselves.

12.  Election of Auditors
Folkes-Worton were nominated by Jerry Roper.
Seconded by Steve Rice
With a show of hands all agreed.

13.  Election of Committee Members
Nick Brown was proposed by Jerry Roper and seconded by Alison Bowdler. 
Nick introduced himself to the meeting, he said that he had been a member of the club since 1977 when at the age of 14 when he joined to play badminton. Both his father and Grandfather had been members. He said that due to work commitments for a High Street Bank entailing working away a lot, he had let his membership lapse but had rejoined 6-7 years ago.  He had recently retired from the bank and now had the time to support the club and help to take it forward. 
David Hunt was proposed by Alison Bowdler and seconded by Steve Rice 
Deb Owen was proposed by Colin Elcock and seconded by Eric Buchan 
With a show of hands all were elected.

14.  Correspondence
No Correspondence.

15.  New Trustees
No new trustees.

16.  Any Other Business
Ian Carter suspension – The committee were in possession of a petition requesting the re-instatement of Ian Carter as a member, they acknowledged that Ian had broken the rules in respect of bringing a visitor into the club on two consecutive days. 
Keith Belson was asked to speak regarding the petition; He re-iterated the contents of the petition stating that 76 members had signed the petition all of whom were aware prior to signing the petition the events leading to Ian’s suspension.  
Linda Wright vice president then stood up and gave a formal response to the petition. She informed the meeting that she and the president Peter Hodnett had independently reviewed all the evidence and then read out a pre prepared response to the petition.
In it she highlighted the fact that the petition was not positioned correctly for members to make an informed decision as it did not contain the critical and true issues for his suspension. It only contained the details of a relatively minor contravention of the club rules.
The most significant considerations for his suspension were that:
In the committee’s opinion Ian had shown a total disregard, contempt and attitude towards the club, its rules and committee members by:
Publicly tearing up the club notice reminding members of the club rules regarding visitors 
Stating in a loud voice that Eric Buchan, who was simply trying to quietly ask Ian at the time to comply with club visitors’ rules “was a member of the committee and behaving like a pratt”. This all took place very publicly in front of club members in the mixed lounge. 
Ian Carter has continued to show no remorse or inclination to accept that his behaviour in this matter was wrong, despite numerous opportunities to do so. 
Key witness statements including those on behalf of Ian Carter contradicted his version of events. 
She then gave examples of the contradictions in the evidence and said that the committee stands by its decision and rulings on the matter.
She said that Ian is still required to offer a sincere apology as an acknowledgement of his poor behaviour in order to comply with the suspension letter issued and which is still outstanding. 
On receipt of such an apology the length of suspension could then be considered. 
She then sat down.

17.  Vote of thanks to the President 
Jerry Roper proposed a vote of thanks to the President and all agreed.

18.  Closure of the Meeting
       Meeting closed at 8.25pm.

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       Chairman                                                          Date